Personal antidote; in April I asked my older brother if he held any crypto. He said yes, that he sold some Eth and made a few hundred. I told him no sell only hold. He said he was ‘opportunistic’ and ‘didn’t have diamond hands’. – Just last week we were driving in the car together and he said ‘All my crypto now are ten year holds’ and I could have cried out of happiness.
Volatility scares people, and we all have to respect that. It will take time for people to come around and see this space for all that it holds; from opportunistic cash grabs to apex dollar hedges, from over leveraged scams to the true start of DAOs that one-day might replace Apple.
Nuance is key! Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago (historian Bernard Berenson said that). Are you still the same hodler you were a year ago?
submitted by /u/Jxntb733
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