It seems like every post in this sub lately is trying to convince people what to do with their money.
Whether it’s “buying the dip”, “it’s just a dip”, or something like “who else is still hodling”, it seems like we have some people here panicking.
You made the decision to buy what coin and how much of that coin, so please stop trying to turn this into an echo chamber and convince people to buy/hodl. We are all our own people with our own financial responsibilities, and we don’t owe each other anything. We are not a collective group and no one here owes us anything.
You might get rich off crypto, but you more than likely won’t. Why? Because most of us don’t have the patience or mental fortitude to hold through bear markets and crashes that it takes to see your investment go to the moon.
Do your own research, invest what you can afford to lose, and deal with the consequences of your actions.
Have a good weekend, my dudes!
submitted by /u/TonyHawksSkateboard
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