Let’s put things in perspective, imagine you invested in and still holding every coin from top 10 exactly 5 years ago until today. The ranking is based on the Historical Snapshot – 08 January 2017 by CMC
Coin Price in USD 08 Jan 2017 Price in USD 08 Jan 2022 Percentage change 1. Bitcoin 911.20 41,894.82 + 4 498 % 2. Ethereum 10.29 3,208.72 + 31 082 % 3. XRP 0.006233 0.7649 + 12 171 % 4. Litecoin 3.99 134.30 + 3 266 % 5. Monero 13.47 193.48 + 1 336 % 6. Ethereum Classic 1.45 30.47 + 2 001 % 7. Dash 12.54 140.63 + 1 021 % 8. Augur 4.56 16.39 + 259 % 9. MaidSafeCoin 0.09385 0.338 + 260 % 10. Steem 0.1525 0.3931 + 157 %
Everyone can make his own conclusions about long term holding. For me a small surprise is that despite some of these coins are currently far from top 10 they are still profitable even after 5 years.
submitted by /u/Slainte042
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