Hi all
I had a funny situation with my bank that I feel like sharing.
One day my bank decided to stop my credit card and I had to call them. They were like “we can see that you had three transactions to CRO on the same day which triggered fraud protection and your card is now blocked”.
I was like WTF and explained them that it was indeed me who used my card for crypto.com to buy cryptos and would like to keep using it.
The bank staff was like “so at least, your, I guess you can call it ‘purchases’ went through (with a sarcastic undertone – I could feel his eyes rolling) but we will need to issue a new card”.
Second time WTF for me but was like “yea Ok do that please bye”
That same bank announced recently “a new exciting new product” and offers now to bank holders the opportunity to invest in cryptos.
It’s so tempting to ring that guy from the bank and let him explain me all about the new exciting product, just to tell him that I invested already in cryptos long time ago and would have bought more if his bank wouldn’t have stopped me.
TLDR: fuck banks, hypocritical bastards
submitted by /u/LetsGoToTheMars
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