Seriously I have seen an alarming amout of posts where people have come to this sub crying about their mistake/greed after falling for these scams. I am much younger than the average user of this subreddit and I know for a fact that I would never fall for such scams.
So these scams go something like this:- It’s usually a youtube live video of a conference where Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey or Vitalik Buterin with 12k to 20k live viewers which are bots. These conferences are so old that a simple Google image search if these conference would be enough to know for a fact that it is a scam.
Is it just that people are too greedy? I am only 16 and sometimes wonder that if adults are just money hungry dumb dumbs. Please people do not disappoint me.
submitted by /u/Abhishekgarg0
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