Dude lives in 2012 and still believes that all coins that aren’t bitcoin are scams. He can’t see value in any other project outside bitcoin and worship people like Michael Saylor. Brags about understanding Austrian school of economics but never really read Mises. Constantly makes comparisons about energy use of bitcoin vs banks and gold.
The ethereum dude.
He isn’t a maximalist and actually enjoy other projects, but thinks that ethereum is king. Consider the first mover advantage eth has over smart contracts too much to be overcome by other coins. Keep his coins at the exchange for obvious reasons.
The Cardano geek.
Usually they follow Charles Hoskinson like a cult. Live in a completely isolated world where all that exists is Cardano. They read through each whitepaper but never read about other projects outside of Cardano. They constantly brag about how Cardano is safe due to Haskell and how fast it can become with Hydra. Don’t really do anything with his Cardano, since there’s nothing to do.
The solana cheated wife.
He knows the network is centralized. He knows it keeps getting offline. He knows how bad the initial token distribution was. But since he gained some money in Solana, he is always looking for explanations about Solana problems and bragging about a zillion tps.
The obsessed trader.
He can’t hold one coin for over one month. He’s always checking his charts and always getting hyped about new coins. He says he’s into crypto for the long term but his average holding period is one week. Usually loses money.
The CRO boomer.
Uses the debit card and stake. Believes that CRO will be huge. Don’t understand much about crypto in general, but usually has lots of money and stake all his CRO to get shiny metal cards.
The moonshooter.
He’s always looking for the “next big thing” and very susceptible to YouTubers and influencers. Constantly shill his shitcoins at Reddit and social media. Usually loses money
The FUDster.
The crash is always incoming and he’s always afraid of losing all his money. Deep down he believes that crypto is a Ponzi scheme. Usually he’s at mid-age and hide his crypto investments from his wife. Every 10% dip he thinks the world is gonna end. Constantly talks about Tether.
Buy high and sell low.
He knows the theory but can’t help to the opposite. He always FOMO at ATH and paperhand sell at lows.
The hodler.
He doesn’t really know much about tech details about the projects he invest in. He doesn’t take profits nor take losses. He doesn’t try to time the market. He just hodl. But that doesn’t stop him from getting hyped up when he has unrealized gains and extremely worried when he has unrealized losses.
Do you know anyone that are in these stereotypes ? Do you identify in one of them ?
*sorry for any potential grammar mistakes. I’m from Brazil and English is my second language.
submitted by /u/Professional_Desk933
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