As everyone knows, Harmony One went down yesterday due to multiple block propagation issues. The network was unusuable for a few hours and, of course, the usual finger-pointing game started.
For my part, I don’t care that alternative L1s – or even L2s for that matter – have issue from time to time. We can’t expect to be early and, at the same time, have a great UX and no downtime. Solana went down twice recently, Arbitrum had issues with their sequencer this week, Nano also had a spam attack last year…
What I care about is this : transparency and accountability. And the Harmony One team showed both.
While the incident was ongoing, every hour or so, their team posted updates on Twitter, clearly laying out what they were trying to do and what was happening. This proves that they are professionnals, serious people willing to work day & night for their product.
I don’t even own ONE, so I am not here to shill it. But it struck me this morning : it is good to see that the crypto industry is led by people of integrity and honesty, able to accept their mistakes. Many national governments should take notes!
submitted by /u/busterrulezzz
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