This isn’t a rant post, but a reminder that most people here won’t get rich from crypto. I have seen tons of HODL and DCA posts during the past 1 year. They make sense to most of the new investors when you see the market retrospectively. It seems very lucrative and missed opportunity at the same time, when we zoom out and see Coin X making 50X gains, coin Y making 100X gains in a year.
But there’s another harsh truth taht seems to pop out when you zoom out on the charts. It’s that when the markets plummet, then Hodling isn’t easy and many people think that buying at such times is crazy.
So, if you aren’t in crypto for longer run, and invested already too much beyond your limits, then this volatile market if not for you.
Invest what you can and never beyond what you can’t, let the dust settle, markets will rise again sometime in future.
submitted by /u/CoolCoolPapaOldSkool
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