Surely I’m not the only one (maybe I am lol).
You must know what I mean……
….”Buy the dip” …. “The dip will continue, and I’m going to tell you why” . …. “This happened to me in 2020, and I’m gonna tell you about it” ….”HODL!!” ….”You said you wanted a dip, here it is!!!” ….”People!! Look at my chart, where I prove something to you” …. “We hate Cardano, and we are going to let you know!!”
Newbies must walk in here, take a look around and their jaws must hit the floor. Lol
This post suggests X… The next post is from some dude who has spent the last 2 weeks putting charts together “proving” X to be ridiculous.
Just a harmless observation, no offence intended!!
Anyways, I’m off to give the ShibArmy a piece of my mind…wish me luck. X
submitted by /u/Alice-null
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