DYOR and whitepapers are self-exclusive for me. I tried to read the whitepaper of a promising top 50 project and barely was able to go through half a page. Everyone saying DYOR but how do you do it if you are a newbie looking at the most important document of a Crypto Project, the Whitepaper.
Here is a very short example which:
A leader sends an init message with the hash of the last block H(B ) to all the validators. n−1
For each validator i , after receiving the init message, a VRF is computed to create a random number r and a proof : , where is the i pi (r , p ) RF(sk , H(B ), v) i i = V i n−1 ski secret key of validator i and v is the current view number of consensus. Then, each validator sends back (r , p ) to the leader. i i
The leader waits until it receives at least f + 1 valid random numbers and combines them with an XOR operation to get the preimage of the final randomness pRnd .
I honestly have no idea what happens here. Is it me or all you guys go through this and understand everything?
submitted by /u/Slainte042
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