I didn’t have any money to invest, I was living paycheck to paycheck and cold not dream of being able to save any money. I was working my literal a$$ off on a mission to lose a total of 90kg, and in December 2017 hit that goal. I also ended up fired that month, and had a brand new dog, and had just upgraded houses. It was not the best time to go into business for myself, but what the hell right.
I decided to start writing full-time as a freelancer. I picked up 3 clients during December, and one of them was a crypto exchange. They offered me a 1-year deal, and they offered a modest fiat salary with some of the native exchange tokens as a bonus. These tokens were 90 cents at the time of negotiation so I ended up agreeing to 200 per week, thinking that if I saved all of them for a year, I’d have just enough for the body lift surgery I needed after this extreme weight loss.
I’m an ex-pat and had to go on a visa run in late December, our office closed and when I came back it was the first week of January. The stupid exchange tokens they had offered me were now trading at $7 each.
I stopped.
I stared.
I screamed.
Is this for fucking real?????
My friend/coworker looked at me with the biggest smile on his face and says, WELCOME TO CRYPTO BABY!!
And that was when the mania wave hit, and all of a sudden my world opened up to a whole slew of new possibilities!
By the end of January I was getting plastic surgery quotes and found a doctor I liked. I got him to take the down payment in crypto, which was totally exciting.
Do you know how exciting it was to be able to put $4000 down toward a surgery in Februry, when I had only made like $12,000 the entire year before??? I can’t tell you how dramatically crypto has impacted my life. I look around at my home, and see evidence of the last bullrun all over. From my deep freezer to help keep me on track with food, to the computer I’m typing on now, and the body I am sitting in now.
I am a believer!! Now, it’s my second bullrun, I’m now working for a stellar project lead by a team of crypto millionaires, who have come up with a super cool new approach and are literally building a legacy.
I fucking love crpyto. How did you get into it?
submitted by /u/mistressvegas
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