Yesterday, I was doing some good old arbitrage trading between Solana and Ethereum, and I managed to get my hands on 80,000 ETH for a really low price – so low, in fact, that you wouldn’t believe me if I told you how I pulled off this deal.
Now I don’t know what to do with all this ETH. It’s worth approximately 250 millions USD, which is not bad, if you ask me. Should I stake it all and get the 4% rewards? This way I would get passive income, something like 10 millions USD/year, which is theoritically enough for my family to live a comfortable life.
Also, by staking, I would be contributing to the security of the blockchain, which is a big plus for me – I wanna do my part!
But is this the best course of action for me?
I also thought about getting into liquidity pools, but I am afraid of smart contract risks. What if I put all my ETH into a LP on Solana, and then some asshole comes and drain the contract? I worked very hard for this ETH, that would suck. And there’s also the risk of impermanent loss – what if my ETH on Solana decoupled from the ETH on mainnet?
Anyway, thanks everyone, and I look forward to read your ideas.
submitted by /u/busterrulezzz
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