Looking for feedback on crypto.com earn. Most of my crypto bag is in BTC. Not life changing…yet, but not chump change either. But it’s just sitting there riding the crypto waves up and down. Crypto.com apparently will offer 4.5% paid out every 7 days in the coin that you invest. It’s been in the back of my head for a bit, but moving that big of a chunk of money (big to me at least..haha) makes my stomach kind of twist. So my question to all of you cryptonauts is, what experience good or bad have you had with using crypto earn. Help me find the cajones to move my bag and start earning interest! TIA.
Edit: I’m aware it is 4.5% annually paid out in 7 day increments. Thanks.
Edit2: I made the transfer…now I hold my breath for 30 minutes.
submitted by /u/Jeperscreepers
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