After a discussion with a friend, I recently found myself asking a somewhat philosophical question about crypto. I like to think I’m in it for the tech, and I think most of my investments reflect that (I’m pretty much all in on ETH at this point), but of course I’d like to make money. And as everyone knows, the best way to make a quick buck in crypto is to flip sh*tcoins.
So here’s my question: if I had the chance to make a 10x, but in order to do so I had to buy a token that is clearly a ponzi, would I do it?
I’m not talking about a project with utility that could fail ; I’m talking about a genuine cash grab.
On one hand, I wouldn’t feel so good about participating in this kind of operation. It’s the kind of things that gives the entire ecosystem a bad reputation. But on the other hand… This is a free market, and if people want to throw their money at me without DYOR, then that’d be their fault.
All things considered, I think I would not do it. But I’ve never been tested, so it’s easy for me to say this.
I was wondering what do you think about this. Would you sleep well doing a 10x knowing other people got scammed? Would you simply refuse to participate?
submitted by /u/busterrulezzz
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