Every 4 years all people go nuts with Bitcoin halving because historically, a bullrun happens after it, but I don’t see anybody so excited for the halving aspect from the Ethereum Merge, which IMO will have even more impact, so I’ll explain it.
Right now, Bitcoin gives 6.25 btc each 10 minutes to miners, that’s ~38M$ each day.
Ethereum gives 2 eth to miners each 13 seconds, that’s also ~38M$ daily, so miner rewards from both networks are almost the same.
The Merge
The Merge will change the rewards, those 2 eth per block are removed, and 1370 eth are given to validators daily. That’s 4M$, that’s right, almost 10 times less from the initial 38M$ figure.
To put this into perspective, a Bitcoin halving right now, would reduce rewards from 38M$ daily, to 19M$ daily, while the ethereum’s merge halving will reduce rewards from 38M$ daily to 4M$ daily
The Merge is also planned to happen this summer, and if you’re following the merge development, you know that this will probably happen on time, as the teams are deploying the hopefully final testnet 5 months before the deadline.
So in conclusion, after the Merge we will see the biggest halving until now in all crypto space (it doesn’t make sense to call it halving, as it’s not the half, more like the Tenthing or idk, english is not my first language). Where’s the hype?
Edit: Some of the comments called this The decimation
submitted by /u/Kike328
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