Just about roughly a year ago I entered crypto. And to be honest as most I just went in for money, to get rich quick. Back then I did not knew shit about what crypto actually is. The most I knew was that crypto is a payment system that is kind of anti government (decentralized).
Over that one year I went from dumb to well still dumb but knowledge about crypto person. As there are not many who know much about crypto yet just as I one year ago, I’m finally good at something.
You will gather a lot of knowledge about crypto in just a very small time, eventhough it’s pretty complex all you will want to do it as it either actually interests you or you just think it should interest you.
With time going the knowledge is going to expand and you will know what crypto is about. And if you support that idea you won’t care about short term prices anymore. The only thing you would want is that crypto becomes even more successful, more known.
So it’s all going shift from money to knowledge, from short term to long term.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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