Many companies are jumping on fhe ‘let’s help Ukrainians’ bandwagon, but not because they actually give a fuck. Rather, they’re seizing the PR initiative to offer ‘Free calls and SMS’ (EE, Vodafone). WhatsApp anyone?
FTX is no different and the free PR they’ve been receiving for this apparently magnanimous gesture is unjustified. FTX have a minimum withdrawal limit of $100 and they have (so far) not announced that this will be revised or removed.
So any Ukrainian that would like to access that ‘free’ $25 will first need to send $75+ to FTX (almost 50% of a typical Ukrainian monthly salary).
This is cynical PR fluff by FTX and should not be applauded – if and until they confirm that Ukrainians will NOT be subject to any minimum withdrawal limit.
submitted by /u/sandygws
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