I remembered that old post from back in the day of the guy that turned Shrek into a gif. So, I decided to take that and turn it into a NFT. You can watch the whole thing on the NFT page if you want. I thought it was interesting that no one else did this yet. Seems like it would be a perfect idea. Lol.
Link: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/101683703944319533854336323457395125423242921224054448943607285095541170503681
Head’s up, I listed the price so high(25ETH), because I wanted everyone to see it.
Feel free to watch the 90min or so movie, with no sound. I’m sure you know the words and don’t need sound to enjoy it. I know I don’t.
The closest thing I found was a guy did list the entire script for Shrek. However, you can only see a page’s worth and they’re trying to sell it for 100ETH to unlock the rest of the script. Whereas everyone can watch this NFT whenever they want. 😀
submitted by /u/gregisnonexistent
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