I’ve been watching Dogecoin for quite a while now, it’s what brought me into crypto (a little over an year ago!).
Anyways, ever since the grand slam dump of a fall from what was an astonishing number for a coin like doge, It has been in a constant downtrend ever since. Now currently at $0.122 from it’s ath of $0.68, thats a fall of nearly 70%!
Consistent downtrend (1D chart)
There have been minor jumps and pumps along the way, but after every single jump, there’s a even bigger dump. The gap between pumps have been becoming higher and higher, and the duration of the pump has shown to be shortening over time.
Is it safe to say the era of not memecoins, but dogecoin in reference is over? I honestly don’t think Elon or anyone for that matter would be able to bring back the hype of dogecoin as it was back in May. I personally know many people who bought at the top and still hold for the “$1 dogecoin!” line.
I although did hold through .07 and saw my investment hit the multi-thousands. I didn’t sell because of that line, my knowledge in cryptocurrency tokenomics has a huge role in my decision making. I’m still baffled that Dogecoin managed to pull off being in Top 3 cryptocurrencies, when you look at it now. That’s crazy!
Anyways, just wanted to discuss my thoughts. What do you think? I don’t think doge will ever go back up aside from the little pumps it may have, definitely not close to where it was at it’s highest.
submitted by /u/nitrolimitz
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