Advertisers pay Brave to buy BAT to run ad campaigns on the Browser. Users can earn BAT by viewing these ads, and Brave keeps a cut (30%) to run their operations. This process has been steadily regressing, with more and more issues this month and seems to be capitulating.
Their community forum is full of people experiencing Brave’s terrible payout system. Basically, Brave tells you you’ll get paid the 5-7th, but that isn’t happening. Your rewards seem to disappear, and then you hope one day you get paid. The Brave Team seems to expect their millions of users to individually PM them to get it resolved on a wallet-by wallet basis, and as you can imagine, they aren’t able to keep up. Now they’re rolling people’s rewards over to the next month, essentially just holding people’s money until they look into it more. Brave touts 54 million active monthly users, but has failed to convert those numbers into revenue. The link above shows that for 54MM users, they’ve never done more than $3MM in monthly BAT sales, which they only keep 30% of. This is pennies a month per user, and means that Brave is massively cash flow negative, as they claim hundreds of employees. They have completely failed to effectively monetize their massive user base, and now we’re seeing they’re completely in over their head.
If you head over to r/batproject, you’ll see that the Brave Team has stopped engaging their users, unless they have a very canned response. Their “Director of Engagement” posts very rarely, and they refuse to respond to questions of users. The red flags are adding up, and my guess is that Brave is failing.
Investing in BAT I’m realizing is like investing in a private company, and is actually a regressive way to invest. They don’t disclose their runrate, revenue, all revenue sources, executive compensation and many other key metrics that you can see at any publicly traded company. However, Brave touts “transparency” every chance they get, while being about as transparent as milk when it comes to any issues with the payouts.
Perhaps the most damming metric is the 0 growth in ad campaigns in the US.
Shows 2 years of flat US ad campaigns, so US advertisers don’t want this. plenty of big names have come through, and very few of run repeat campaigns. If you use the browser, the ads you’ll get now are from very low quality companies, similar to when the browser first started.
I think it’s clear that BAT is failing. Most people on here get maybe a couple of quarters a month, after being told how valuable their data is. Most people think the rewards are a complete joke on here, and I guess they are, and the team’s response is certainly telling of a team in complete disarray. The idea of privacy browser that compensates you for your ad viewing is brilliant, but this team’s execution of that concept ain’t it. It’s been years, they won’t talk about what’s going on, and it’s getting worse. Take a look through that first link, it’s not good.
These issues have gotten worse over the years, and clearly Brave isn’t going to be “transparent” about the problem. I would advise any investors to assume that if the team won’t answer their questions, it’s because the answer is really bad. The Brave Team won’t answer these questions on r/batproject – go take a look, they’ve been asked for years, the team will engage and then ghost any question they don’t like.
submitted by /u/milehigh89
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