Hey, I’m really hoping some experts in here are able to explain/tell me if I’m being scammed.
I’m a guy and I’ve been speaking with a girl from another country for about 3 months now. I would say its more than a friendship.
Anyway, very early on in our conversations she brought up crypto mining and said that I should do it, and she would show me how. I did some research and thought there’s no way I can crypto mine, 1: I’m not clever enough and 2: I haven’t even got a computer, let alone super computer power.
She then got me to download a digital wallet app and another app where I will transfer my crypto too. We are ‘mining’ USTD, which is a stable coin. However, I’m sure it’s not crypto mining, she’s basically give me a hyperlink to use on the DApps (Decentralized apps) which takes me through to a mining pool where I can claim anywhere from 1-6% interest daily (depending on my wallet balance)
So I started off putting 100 USDT to see if it would work, and it sure did. I was receiving 1.5% everyday, but that’s hardly nothing. After 3 weeks I put 1000 USDT in and was reaping a 3% interest everyday.
Fast forward a couple months, obviously I have been speaking to this girl everyday and the trust levels are building. Last week, I deposited another 8300 USDT to boost it to 10,000. That way i get 3.5% of that everyday. She tells me she has over 100,000 deposited which means she gets 4.5% daily, she makes 4500 USDT in one day…
I’ve made 2,300 USTD in the last 6 days, since I increased my balance to 10,000. But it all seems way too good to be true?? Surely no one can make this much money a day, for literally doing nothing.
This girl I’m speaking to now wants me to deposit even more to take advantage of even higher interest rates, and it’s making me suspicious. Could she literally take my money through the 3rd party DApp?
I’ve already deposited money to my bank twice before and have been successful, so withdrawing the cash isn’t an issue.
I done some research on ‘Coin Staking’ and this sounds a lot similar to what I’m actually doing. With coin staking, your essentially donating your crypto assets to contribute to the blockchain, and you get rewarded each time a transaction gets validated.
I’m really hoping someone can help shed some light on what I’m actually involved in. I’m happy to answer any questions.
Thanks so much!
submitted by /u/OElementsO
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