Chapter One: In the beginning
A brief History of moons and a quick overview of how to farm.
Now Many of you new comers are probably getting your first taste of the moon fever, you’re getting excited and thinking to yourself moons are amazing! you are correct in thinking this and as the Author of this post I welcome you into the moon farming community.
Now to get started, lets go over a brief history of moon farming.
It Began with the creation of Reddit Community Points. Donuts were given to the Eth traders, wisest and fairest of all users. Bricks were given to the Gamers, great builders of forts. For within these points was bound the power to govern over the users. But they were all of them deceived, for another point was made. Deep in the offices of Reddit, in the fires of a GeForce RTX 3060™ a Moon was forged, and from this moon spawned 250 million smaller moons to rule all other Points.
Points were also given to Libertarians, Mountain Bikers and stellar users but the strength of man failed and they squandered this gift.
Now that we know how moons came to be created, let’s get down to earning them.
How do I get moons?
Simply put you need to get up votes to earn moons. Sounds easy right? You’ve probably posted some snarky remarks on another sub or posted a meme and gotten thousands of upvotes, well this is r/CC and upvotes are more precious than those Reddit awards around here. You need to understand that people are a lot more reserved with giving upvotes here, after all every upvote is a future dollar so you won’t earn them easily. You must also be aware of the downvoters, fowl users who hate moons and go around downvoting everything in sight.
As of today around 88,977,815 moons have distributed, that leaves 161,022,118 moons left to farm.
As you can see from the the high quality graphics above you still have a good chunk of moons left to farm.
some quick basics that you’ll need on your farming journey
you get double comment Karma – Comments are where the moons are made you get a 20% bonus to Karma for keeping the moons from last distribution in your vault. 5% bonus for voting on governance polls comedy post only get 10% karma – You have to be extremely funny to farm this way 15,000 Karma cap per distribution – don’t worry to much about this one, it’s extremely hard to hit. every user gets 50 comments a day to earn moons, after that every comment gets hit with a gradual deduction for every comment after 50. – don’t spam comments to try to get upvotes
The moon farming game has changed quite a bit from the peek farming days during the boom, now you actually have to put some effort into being funny or informative. So in the current state of the sub the best way to farm moons is to post insightful, informative and well thought out post/comments, for example look at this post it’s clearly a shitpost but I at least put the effort to create a pie chart. Going the extra step of adding some bedazzle to brighten up your post can be difference between 10 upvotes and hopefully 50.
Pro tip: before posting that crypto article you just read online, think to yourself “should I check if this has already been posted ten times today?”
Be kind, check before posting!
submitted by /u/Odlavso
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