This sub is historically bad with predictions, and especially so when it is about meme coins. According to what is being upvoted here, DOGE has died a million times and never would surpass even one cent, while SHIB does not even have a chance of entering the top 30. On the other hand, Banano, the one meme coin this sub likes, is hovering around market cap rank 1,000 and doesn’t really want to pick up.
11 days ago, ApeCoin was listed on many major exchanges. And don’t get me wrong, I personally would never buy it – even in the speculative world of crypto, meme coins are a bit too risky for me, and Bored Apes look horrible and I don’t get the appeal. But I still thought it was funny how the hive mind decided right at release that it hated the token, that it would fail immediately with 100% certainty, at that every negative thing about it would be upvoted massively, no matter how misleading or plain wrong.
One week ago, there was a short but very dramatic post, saying that it went down 20% in a single day – nothing too weird for a new coin – and that this was the last warning before the “real dumping” starts, and that “Everyone knows that project gonna dump hard”. Nobody can predict the market, but a hard dump soon after release was always pretty unrealistic, considering it builds on a pretty well known brand (everyone has heard of those disgusting Apes) and the tokens the founders and BAYC holders received are locked for a pretty long time. But, r/cc being r/cc, of course it received 3.8k upvotes because “APE bad”.
Since then, ApeCoin has gone up more than 50%. And sure, it’s generally a green week, but currently it is ranked 3rd of the top 100 coins, so it grew much more than most others.
I have no idea how ApeCoin will do in the future. It might become as big as SHIB or even Doge, or it might slowly lose value over time and leave the top 100 at some point. I know I won’t buy any. But this is a good reminder that this sub, on average, is terrible at predicting the market, especially when it comes to meme coins. Once this sub decides to hate a coin, it will ALWAYS be convinced its end is near. I don’t have any advice for you, except: don’t take positive posts about this sub’s favorite coins or negative posts regarding its least favorite coins too seriously.
submitted by /u/mic_droo
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