I’m just trying to understand the logic behind it. I get paying taxes on food, goods, service’s, property etc but I don’t with cryptocurrency , to me it’s like air, no one owns air or it’s not associated with just one country as such to be taxed and that is the way I see cryptocurrency . Why isn’t fiat currency taxed either if cryptocurrency is?
When I try understand it, it just feels like a cash grab from certain world governments and it’s really none of their business.
I really like to hear a different perspective than mine, maybe there is something I’m missing.
Edit: and in my country it’s viewed by the government as an asset and over here if you are trying to get a mortgage from the government banks they view it as gambling, like which is it? There’s no tax on gambling either it just doesn’t make sense.
submitted by /u/dAn_tHe_mAn7
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