Following the migration of your beloved community points to Arbitrum Nova, you will no longer be able to transfer directly from within the Reddit app vault to non-reddit-user accounts.
But the vault still runs on ethereum and can still be accessed via a secret phrase import into fresh install of metamask (or whatever other wallet you might want to use).
Install metamask – Select import secret phrase – Input your vault secret phrase. (can be found by selecting the three dots next to “vault” in the app.)
To add Arbitrum-Nova to Metamask:
Go to your Metamask settings and click on ‘Networks’ Click on ‘Add network’ Now, fill in the fields with this information: Network Name: arb-nova RPC: Chain ID: 42170 Currency Symbol: ETH Block Explorer URL:
Ensure that Arbitrum-Nova is selected, then click on ‘Add token’, ‘Custom token’ and then copy and paste the following information into the correct fields:
Token Contract Address: 0x0057Ac2d777797d31CD3f8f13bF5e927571D6Ad0 Token Symbol: MOON Token Decimal: 18
For obvious reasons you shouldn’t blindly trust that I gave you the correct information so you can check the contract address here:
Your Moons should now be visible in your wallet if you’ve followed these steps correctly.
submitted by /u/MilesPower
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