The title is true, but its also false based off of what collection you chose your PFP from.
Part1 Data
I don’t really know how to format this, but basically based on having the rarest attributes on your profile picture to make money. Certain factors can make your NFT worth it. Such as how it look likes, how rare it is, or how many there are. These factors can peak from certain practices.
These practices are just how they are created. Like Bored Ape Yacht Club being limited but having different attributes, so theres that NFT scarcity that everyone thought they were gonna make money on last year. Then things like reddit’s pfp airdop.
They have you choose from 4 different collections making it so the more popular ones are chosen and inflated. That inflated collection being The Singularity collection currently as of typing 14,553 minted/in process of minting. Then at least inflated being Drip Squad at 3,297 minted and or being minted.
And im not saying inflated like its a currently. But because people can choose which collection to add another mint to by choosing it.
In order from rarest to least rare collection.
Aww Friends, 2)Drip Squad, 3)Meme Team, 4) The Singularity.
In order from smallest to biggest mint collection.1)Drip Squad, 2)Aww Friends, 3)Meme Team, 4) The Singularity.
In order from the collection with the highest volume of sales to least.1)Meme Team, 2)Drip Squad, 3)Aww Friends, 4) The Singularity.
In order from highest average sold to lowest average sold..1)Meme Team, 2)Aww Friends, 3)*Drip Squad and The Singularity tied*
See the pattern, The Singularity is the worse money option and the least rarest. Then the most profitable based one sales and stuff you can view on opensea is Meme Team/Drip Squad.
Part2 The Money Making
The whole point behind the blockchain is “proof of ownership”. Well who owns these collections, reddit. And what does reddit have from owning the collection. Creator earnings, which is 5% across all collections. And considering the already sold profile pictures as of writing they have made! 0.00455 Ethereum, or $71 XD. While this isnt a lot. Its a sold long term strategy without an initial sale. These free assets probably are being minted at a loss for the company based of creator percentage profits.
This strategy is only useful when there’s people buying them. And im not some analyst who can predict the most valuable collection to invest in. Because its not a currency, its nfts, so the only things that affect the prices, amount, which is always increasing until the end of the airdrop, attributes, which need to have a rare combination with the rarest having the rarest of each attribute area, ie FACE, LEFT HAND, BODY, etc. And the last factor is looks, some people dont buy NFTs for money but for how the look, so a potential reason of purchase or selling.
Part3 Combinations.
This part isnt big but it shows the rarest of the rarest based on attributes and not looks.
The rarest are by amount of the rarest minted. NOTE: Some attributes like EYES/TOP in some collections don’t vary in rarity staying the same across.
Aww Friends having 0 minted of the rarest combinations possible, so if there actually needs to be more people choosing Aww Friends for it to possibly be minted.
2) Drip Squad having 2 currently minted and 2 not available yet.
3) Meme Team having 329 rarest mints.
4) The Singularity having a staggering 1,912 rare mints from the large supply, making the less rare.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, this is kind of biased seeing I pulled a Drip Squad. My Drip Squad is probably mid and not worth a lot. But this also why mine, and most likely yours is not rare.All links above are through Opensea so other marketplaces are unaccounted for. I also don’t know how nft value works, this post is just my assumption.
TL;DR: The more people getting the free collectibles makes your collectible less rare. And if you’re gonna sell yours, it better have rare attributes, or if you gonna pick one, don’t choose The Singularity. And Reddit has made $71 off of people reselling.
EDIT: This post is really a joke, dont take it seriously, and also part 3 is technically the peak rarity of the collections, you cans till get rare ones. And remember theres practically no value in the nfts because they are free, mostly just publicity for reddit on matic.
submitted by /u/JoJuiceboi
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