By popular request, and getting removed without a valid reason:
Go to your Reddit Vault by clicking on your profile pic and selecting ‘Vault’ Click the three dots at the top. Click show recovery phrase. Here, you can copy the phrase, or choose to write it down manually just to be safe. Download and install MetaMask, if you don’t already have it. Import your reddit seed phrase by clicking the designated button. Insert phrase and setup a password below. When finished, make sure to change to the Polygon Mainnet as your NFT is located there. You can do this by clicking “Wallet” at the top of your screen, clicking ‘add network’ at the bottom of the list and selecting Polygon Mainnet. In the Metamask menu (three blue lines in the lefthand corner), open the browser and go to Connect your metamask wallet to by going to the opensea menu and clicking ‘connect wallet’. Pick Metamask at the top of the list and approve. Click on ‘Account’ in the opensea menu, and then ‘Profile’. When you are on your profile page, click the ‘More’ tab (next to Activity) and select ‘Hidden’. Your NFT should show up Click the NFT and then the big blue ‘sell’ button, you’re good to go now. Remember that you need a tiny bit Matic for gas fees. Sell it for 100 eth and buy lambo. Realise in a few years that you shouldn’t have sold, as these first edition reddit avatars are now the most valuable digital asset in the world Become an alcoholic, lose everything, live in your lambo and cry yourself to sleep every night.
submitted by /u/Ceethreepeeo
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