So I see a lot of posts in here about investment strategies, bear market evaluations, rallying cries and all manner of random advice. I’m not following any strategy I’ve seen mentioned so I wanted to share mine.
Researching Projects – I spend a solid 4 hours minimum going over any crypto I might have interest in. I get daily emails from many sources about the market and look for projects that are mentioned in multiple sources and then dive into their website, white paper, socials, GitHub information, founders backgrounds, etc.
Investing – With each paycheck I put the amount I can spare at the moment (anywhere from $5-100 at a time) into one project. Which project I choose depends on whether I’ve found any new projects in step 1. If I found a new project I’ll put the money in that one. If not I put it into the project with the smallest amount invested at the time.
Whenever I’m up ~30% or higher on a coin I take profit and put that profit into another crypto project that’s at a lower point. For example if one of my coins pumps against the market I’ll take anywhere from 20-50% out of that project and put it into one that’s been steady with the market, usually ETH but I’ve also become quite fond of ADA lately. Alt coins seem to randomly pump, so having a highly diversified portfolio is a huge advantage with this strategy. I’m currently holding between 30-40 different coins and see one pump every 2-4 weeks for 30%+.
Right now I’m sitting at about 50% above my total invested amount and have only been into crypto for about a year and a half. I did hit it big with an alt coin last year but I took those profits outright except for a few hundred to help us get a new car.
Even in the bear market I’ve been seeing my investments grow because of the strategy – diversify, take profits and transfer those profits into ETH or ADA. And of course staking my ADA as well. And ETH once the merge happens.
It’s working for me, so maybe it could work for you as well. Anyway good luck!
submitted by /u/DrewBirdBlue
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