2017 – First BTC buy. Made good money and invested in Antminers.
2018 – Rough year but managed to get ETH/LTC/XRP and a bunch of others I honestly can’t remember with some of the miner gains.
2019- My lean year but started dealing with CZ and hating on DOGE (which I’ll later regret). Sold all my miners cos the POS prophets won me over.
2020 – Didn’t buy BTC, considered buying BCH (didn’t), got more ETH, got LINK/XLM/BNB and by year end a whole lot of CAKE.
2021 – I’M RICH. Jumped on Mirror protocol to get TSLA and Twitter (Sold on time), Taking profits in stables and buying superchargers on Freeway, Staking stables on SPOOL and Anchor (Yes, I’m a victim). Didn’t look at SHIB.
Early 2022 – My shitcoin phase FEG, KISHU, (Just name it, I’ve it)
Mid 2022 – Portfolio down over 70%
Now – Still shitcoin buying TSUKA, SPIRAL so far. Still have stables on Freeway waiting for the inevitable bull.
submitted by /u/givennesshayac6
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