For this example I will use ETH.
Let’s say we have 10 000 $ in ETH and market goes -5% in a month. All we have to do is buy 500$ ETH and thanks to this little trick every time we open the wallet there is still 10 000 $ there. It is also important to forget we put 500$ in and thanks to this when the price goes up 2% we will have 10 200 $ and mentally we will be in profit and victorious.
All you guys have to do is to rinse and repeat this very simple process. This is what I am doing since more than one year and even though markets tanked my portfolio did not change and I am always in profit and never in red.
I call it “DCA Cope strategy” and I think it is superior to all the others DCA/Lump sum etc. strategies because it gives mental edge over all the other Investors complaining how much in red they are.
With this strategy you are never the loser and always the winner !
If some of you still have doubts (some of you may have) you can check the graphic below where you can clearly see the superiority of the COPE strategy.
Disclaimer 1: Does’t work with every coin, it is better to choose established ones that won’t go to 0.
Disclaimer 2: Use money you don’t need, if you can’t cover few % the drop you are over invested.
Disclaimer 3: Potatos are cheaper then ramen.
Cope in peace guys !
submitted by /u/krfc89
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