Atozy received a message from his lawyers that Bitboy filed a “return of service” yesterday. This return of service is “a confirmation that there was service of process. Also termed proof of service, and the document evidencing service may be termed certificate of service. The document is generally filed by the server, potentially a sheriff or a professional process server, in court.” So Either Bitboy lied or his lawyers are not listening to him.
Cobie already pledged that he will commit an additional $100k to Atozy’s defence. Did Bitboy just say he would drop the case to stop people from donating?
EDIT: Some backstory: Armstrong officially filed the suit against Mengshoel on Aug. 12 in response to a Nov 2021 video titled “This YouTuber scams his fans… Bitboy Crypto,” which alleged that Armstrong was dishonestly promoting dubious assets to his audience such as PAMP for his own gain. He was seeking $75,000 in damages over the ordeal. Bitboy then said he would drop the lawsuit because he got a lot of backlash for this once the lawsuit became public knowledge.
submitted by /u/Beyonderr
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