The activity on this sub has dropped off a cliff. While it would be simple to say that it’s the “bear market” the truth is that it’s lack of utility
Even if price was volatile the majority of Alt-coin projects aren’t based 100% on financials. E.g Storage, Social Media,Gaming, Art etc… shouldn’t be as affected by a outside forces. Especially traditional market volatility. This is because:
Crypto should an alternative cheaper solution to traditional markets Cheaper prices, should actually increase demand of the base product thus increasing utilization
E.g If individuals purchasing power is reduced and they can’t afford traditional online storage rates. They should adopt anybody “web3” storage as it is cheaper and marketed as better
However in reality this isn’t happening because in plain English “shit don’t work”
Nearly a year ago I tried several storage and crypto-gaming projects and came to the conclusion that if it wasn’t for the financial element. Most if not all uses would not adopt them because:
The UI was terrible Traditional solutions have free alternatives that are better and open The base product doesn’t need a crypto layer
If we are going by Coffeezilla’s latest video and user data from Crypto-gaming. At least less than ~1% of most Alt-coin HODLers are actually using the projects. Meaning that without the free flow of Federal funds and cheap credit the market is effectively bankrupt
The solution is a simple one
Build shit that works
submitted by /u/GodlordHerus
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