Each day, I see more and more contrasting posts in this sub. Some even attacking others indirectly. Contrarians are most certainly welcome. Having new ideas and differing opinions leads to growth in an industry, Steve Jobs specifically hired differing minds to work for Apple, to turn it into the company we know it as today. It’s just interesting to see how much this community has expanded and evolved into what it is today.
This post isn’t to debate about who’s right or wrong, I merely would like to know what drew you into the crypto market. If creating personal wealth is the only thing you sought, it’s not a right or wrong answer, I’m genuinely just curious. Some people took a political stance. I’m sure some just enjoy the memes.
When I joined the crypto community there were only a few cryptos on the market: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, and Peercoin. The majority of users at that time saw Bitcoin as an escape from fiat and governmental dominance over money. The housing market in the US was finally starting to rebound. Many of the users at that time were cypherpunks, libertarians, and let’s not forget the silk road users. It was not nearly as diverse of a community as it is today.
My question to all of you beautiful people is what drew you into crypto, what projects immediately caught your eye, and have your opinions changed?
submitted by /u/-Clayford08-
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