The BTC maxis – these people hold 100% Bitcoin, nothing else. Some of them claim that they didn’t start out as BTC maxis. But with each bear cycle and once-promising altcoins crumbling into dust, they have realised that it’s better to stack up sats rather than risk getting burnt by alts.
The anti-BTC tribe – they hate BTC with a vengeance, declaring that Grandpa BTC is not going be relevant in a few years because it’s obsolete and dying. They dismiss it as antiquated useless dinosaur technology.
The DeFi degenerates – crypto is a risky asset; that’s why most of us stick to cold storage. These adventurous vagabonds aren’t content with your mundane cold wallet. Instead, they seek out the projects that promise astronomical returns, some APYs running up to the thousands, confidently believing that they can get in and pull out before the house of cards collapses
The crypto noobs – they hang on to YouTubers’ words like Titanic survivors clutching to the lifeboats, putting their money in the projects shilled by these “gurus”. Even if they get burnt, they don’t trust themselves enough to make their own decisions. They seem to rely on others’ opinions as a clutch even if they can rattle off ‘Not Financial Advice’.
The serious researchers – a rare breed, these fellows actually scrutinise the white paper of the projects that capture their attention. They also hang out at the official website and social media platforms to get a feel of the project as well as obtain data like roadmaps and use cases and tokenomics. Not only that, they look at CoinGecko to determine the market cap, Token Sniffer to verify its authenticity and GitHub to check for activity. Their DYOR process puts you to shame.
Do you recognise yourself here? Any prominent personality types that should be included in this list?
submitted by /u/cryotosensei
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