Completely aware that the macroeconomic conditions are terrible right now, but I am not wasting this opportunity to layer into the market. I remember in October when Bitcoin was peaking its head above the all time high and instead of going higher we went sideways for a whole month in anxiety. Then we dropped, and spent the entire first quarter bouncing around the 30-40k range. It was exhausting, and I was only hoping for it to finally rip the band-aid off and go whichever direction it was going to go. I looked back and wished I was around to buy back in the bear markets of 2018-2019 instead of dealing with higher valuations and anxiety. It’s easy in hindsight, but I wished I could
And now I feel like that opportunity is in my hands. We’ve dropped, and we can go much, much lower than this. But this is plenty good for me to DCA in weekly, I haven’t sold any of my crypto since I got in early last year (why would I, it’s at a loss). Going to hold onto it for the long term and see what happens.
In an alternative world if Bitcoin did pop up and went above $100k last year, I wouldn’t have made nearly as much profit if it wasn’t for a bear market instead like what we have to buy some more. I am happy to be around all this fear.
submitted by /u/Dazzling_Lime2021
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