One of the first ever Bitcoin miners has left his wallet untouched for over 11 years. He...
Seen a few comments over the last month or so where someone was criticized for the amount...
I know the market is dipping and all, but still we have something nice to look forward!...
Trivia contest on Telegram at 1130AM ET / 1530PM UTC – top 3 winners get 500/300/200 MOONs
1 min read
Join us on telegram at for a chance to win part of 1000 MOONs. All you...
I am extremely sorry for this sudden crash guys. I got my October paycheck today and decided...
If you live in the first world country count your blessings. In my country Pakistan poverty rate...
~840 million last 24 hr ~500 million last 1 hour one long alone got liquidated for...
When I graduated 3 years ago, I had a student debt of just short of 27K dollars....
Currently a dog coin is #4 in terms of volume, and has more volume than all except...
Can’t say how pissed I am. Can’t adjust my longs even though the market is dying rn....