ABSTRACT We all know the saying behind ‘alt-coins follow Bitcoin’, and summarized briefly, it’s due to the...
Lately I’ve been searching for realistic moonshots, basically getting into good coins semi-early on. So I wanted...
https://decrypt.co/84045/bitcoin-flash-crash-binance-us-caused-algorithm-bug-exchange On Oct 2021 at 7:30 am EST, Bitcoin went down from 66.4k to 8.2k in a...
Cardano’s throughput is currently incredibly low. The best case is 6.5tps. This is hardly more than Bitcoin....
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
I’ve been in this community for a hot minute but recently (4-5 months) it’s just been boring....
We all know that Bitcoin and Ethereum are number 1 and 2. What coin should be in 3rd spot?
1 min read
We can’t deny the fact that Bitcoin and Ethereum have been number 1&2 for a VERY long...
submitted by /u/Acceptable-Sort-8429 [link] [comments]
Are you taking out some profits? Taking profits is always good. That’s why a lot of people...