submitted by /u/naji102 [link] [comments]
Around 15 minutes ago, Elon had another one of his special crypto moments and tweeted what appears...
submitted by /u/AllofaSuddenStory [link] [comments]
Even though we are still below previous ATHs, a little bit of history just happened. Bitcoin had...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
Everyone in here wants to see bitcoin at 100k per coin. But what will come after that?...
1) Initial information gathering and filtering Once I identify something that looks like a good potential investment,...
I was browsing YouTube and came across this channel called “Ethereum”. It has a live video of...
Again and again I have heard the same argument that crypto is amazing for criminals because it’s...
Seriously, there’s too many people that will throw a large amount of money in a coin without...