I was spending on average 6.9 hours per day swipping right and left on tinder. Dude I...
Your seed phrase is useless for anything other than your security. It has one job and one...
I got in April this year Started with $20 investment and reached 100 before crash happened Was...
I have been a true believer of XLM Stellar since early 2016 and have been hodling since!...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
This distribution of Moons has been finalized, and Moons are being delivered to users with a registered...
Instead of being butthurt about people making money off SHIB, start paying attention to meme coins
1 min read
No, you’re not angry because people might lose their life savings in a pump and dump. No,...
submitted by /u/Acceptable_Novel8200 [link] [comments]
I am sitting in my english class and my professor is taking with some students about what...
“I wish all this passion and energy that went to crypto was directed towards making the United...