submitted by /u/robis87 [link] [comments]
Let’s assume the date is 13-Apr-2020. So now, in roughly 1.5 year, how much money would you...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
Until 10 minutes ago I was broke. My bank account barely had $5 in it and my...
Imagine being sat at dinner and having a lovely conversation with your partner. Maybe the kids are...
I get everyone is happy there’s some green today, but we just went back to where we...
El Salvador’s president says the country has mined its first bitcoin using volcano energy
1 min read
submitted by /u/MentalUsurpation [link] [comments]
Hello fellow degenerates, Our crypto coins are going up. That can only mean one thing. They will...
Recently there was a post that showed that only 3% of this sub has set up their...
ICYMI, you can find my analysis calling the 29k price bottom on 20th July here. Again, I’ll...