submitted by /u/Tatakae69 [link] [comments]
Edit: Thank you everyone in the comments, my hope has been restored. Perhaps I just happened to...
So my friends, I initially invested an estimated 10bnb into shitcoin fair launches.. This is my story....
Every moon distribution I’ve been around for, I’ve been diligent in voting on the governance polls. However,...
submitted by /u/TNGSystems [link] [comments]
Introduction: Having experienced how deceitful, insanely volatile and punishing a full blown crypto Bear market can be...
Does your wife/girlfriend or partner know how often you check crypto charts and r/CryptoCurrency?
1 min read
Just curious, my wife has no idea what is really going on through my head when it...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
submitted by /u/samuel19xd [link] [comments]