Hello everyone, Per the passing of the Moon Week Governance Poll, this is your reminder that...
submitted by /u/AutisticDalekOnSpeed [link] [comments]
I’m 60 years old, broke ass bartender for 40 years. Been in Crypto, buying what I can...
The double standards are just incredible. Bill Sherman says people should not invest in risky assets like...
Shibaswap: Staked funds are NOT in a smart contract and can be rugged by the devs at any moment
1 min read
submitted by /u/tct2274 [link] [comments]
UPDATE: Swap staking contract may allow migration of deposited funds (need confirmation) 😲https://twitter.com/valentinmihov/status/1412352490918625280?s=20 So I (a long...
Staking. Can be done at major exchanges ( Binance, Kraken etc ) but safer to do it...
submitted by /u/_martinshkreli_ [link] [comments]
I began staking (lending technically in my case) my crytos at the end of May after the...
I’ve seen there is a bit of confusion on understanding why coins that are just deployed burn...