Now before you say “I jinxed it” or, for you bears out there: “tHiS isN’t eVeN a...
My partner is constantly getting annoyed with me going on about crypto and me watching crypto news,...
Hello all! We hear a lot of times the importance of Tokenomics and doing your own research...
I just minted 10 NFTs of a random .jpg and sold one for $100,000. I was also...
Taken from Kraken’s Daily Hash email: Poly Network Hacker Returns Nearly All of the $611M in Stolen...
I recently got into crypto and yes, got a little stupid and bought bags of bullshit rubbish...
In this post I’ll be touching on what exactly long and short positions are, how they impact...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
Hello all, I know that we all ignore scam coins as a rule of thumb. However I...
Hello all, Let me start by saying that I am a regular guy with average knowledge of...