In the past few weeks I’ve made a few posts highlighting the developing dangerous and cult like...
submitted by /u/noahfolmnsbee [link] [comments]
In 2010 Gavin Andresen made the website, where he personally loaded it with 1.1k BTC. Each...
Hi all, The purpose of this post is to attempt to clear up some common misconceptions regarding...
As the title say guys, Crypto is now my main source of income. I have other revenues,...
Tokenomics (token economics) are a series of metrics relating to a cryptocurrency such as supply, allocation, distribution,...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
Cardanᴏ is way too overhyped and overvalued. How is it the 4th largest crypto without even a...
Update (8-11): It has been really exciting to see the positive response to the launch of the...
As someone who works in the hospital, trying to keep an updated vaccine history and trying to...