MOON is the official cryptocurrency of the r/Cryptocurrency subreddit. It is an ERC-20 token. MOONs are awarded...
Hello everyone, Per the passing of the Moon Week Governance Poll, this is your reminder that...
Dont use USDT, Tether is only %4 backed by cash and the rest of it just commercial...
I just want to spend more time with my family and my dog. I don’t need a...
submitted by /u/pepperonimilkjuice5 [link] [comments]
I saw a post yesterday saying tomorrow (August 4th) is moons distribution day. Essentially Reddit it taking...
I’m actually holding a lot of money on Binance, money that I can’t afford to lose (I...
Look, I love crypto. I love the idea of a decentralized financial system. I can see what...
On Aug. 4 at block 12,965,000, the London Hard Fork will go live on the Ethereum main...
Ethereum was initially a tech startup company and the Ether token was launched as a fundraising mechanism...