submitted by /u/Loose-Imagination781 [link] [comments]
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma...
If you bought any crypto through Robinhood, you are simply betting on the price of the coin....
First postFor my own personal entertainment only. So I bought 5 meme coins for $100 each to...
submitted by /u/rohitsanyal [link] [comments]
Today marks one month since I quit smoking and put all the money into crypto. If I...
submitted by /u/astockstonk [link] [comments]
influencers shilling shitcoins is nothing new, but it’s gotten to a point where i really just cant...
submitted by /u/mesutdmn [link] [comments]
Institutional interest in Bitcoin is on the rise, BTC may test $50,000. Let the Insto Fomo commence.
1 min read
Institutional interest in Bitcoin is on the rise, BTC may test $50,000. Let the Insto Fomo commence.
submitted by /u/TheGreatCryptopo [link] [comments]