When I send my cryptos too or from a exchange I always get scared that I have...
submitted by /u/SatOnMyBalls_ [link] [comments]
Hello everyone, Per the passing of the Moon Week Governance Poll, this is your reminder that...
submitted by /u/AutisticDalekOnSpeed [link] [comments]
UPDATE: Swap staking contract may allow migration of deposited funds (need confirmation) 😲https://twitter.com/valentinmihov/status/1412352490918625280?s=20 So I (a long...
Shibaswap: Staked funds are NOT in a smart contract and can be rugged by the devs at any moment
1 min read
submitted by /u/tct2274 [link] [comments]
The double standards are just incredible. Bill Sherman says people should not invest in risky assets like...
I’m 60 years old, broke ass bartender for 40 years. Been in Crypto, buying what I can...
I began staking (lending technically in my case) my crytos at the end of May after the...
submitted by /u/_martinshkreli_ [link] [comments]