submitted by /u/redditsgarbageman [link] [comments]
I have heard the buzz that the Brave Browser will be adding new options to withdraw the...
TL;DR: Newcomers with questions basic and advanced should be treated with the same integrity we have until...
I expect a lot of downvotes but I gotta say I’m happy if you guys can live...
submitted by /u/jjr08009 [link] [comments]
I’m a van driver and I was dropping off a new guy. He lives 15 minutes off...
Unfortunately with some things I said in worldnews against what I believed was a shill, I was...
I love crypto and think worthy projects have a place in any portfolio. But does anyone else...
Amazon is a massive corporation with no incentive beyond their own profit. If they create an Amazon...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma...