submitted by /u/nicosy [link] [comments]
Day: April 20, 2022
Crypto games aren’t passive income if they require 6 hours of my times a day. That’s called a job
1 min read
When I open my Twitter and scroll around the new tweets from people, I keep seeing all...
One month ago I posted a chart here that was picked up by Statista as an official...
Do people straight up just deposit a million into their bank account once they get their gains?
1 min read
I’ve always wondered this since I don’t understand it much nor have I been in the position...
submitted by /u/Wise-Grapefruit-1443 [link] [comments]
Now that the Fed isn’t pumping in liquidity, it’s no longer a smooth ride up. It’s not...
submitted by /u/SuddenBus [link] [comments]
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...