Most people in crypto will never be very successful and this is unrelated to luck, it is just stats, in math we call it normal distribution otherwise known as Laplace – Gauss distribution. You most likely had it on math in school or saw those memes about IQ distribution. Generally minority of people (not only people, cause this apply to literally everything in life) are terrible at something, most are average and minority are very good.
You, me and almost everyone else is average within standard deviation. Simply everyone can’t be very good and never will be. 70 – 80% will always be “average” in the bell curve. 10 – 15% will be the worst and another 10-15% will be the best. Let’s say you are not total degenerate, in bottom 10%, that gamble their last $100 they should spend on rent on some shitcoin or took loans to invest.
You are most likely average crypto investor listening to other average crypto investors. What will be result of this? Your crypto portfolio will always will be average unless you will have some dumb luck. To be better than average you need to find better strategies, create your own investing style and have confidence in it. And most importantly follow advices of other good investors, not average investors or god forbid… some influencers. Sometimes hard to distinguish real, successful investors from scammers, shillers or other shitheads, but it is your homework if you want to be better than most people. It will took time and effort, but it is not impossible by any means, actually quite easy. After few months you will see at first sight who have idea what they talk about and who just talk bullshit like that one drunk uncle. It just require self education and regularity. No one become one of best overnight.
I do not count top 1%, because those most often either are already filthy rich or had dumb luck. But being top 10% or maybe even top 5%, if you will work hard enough, is possible and most likely will be enough to achieve your financial goals. Many people are afraid that being better than average is impossible, but remember most other people think the same way. Difference is that vast majority never change anything. That is why most people always will be just average and complain about it instead of getting better.
It also doesn’t mean general crypto strategies are completly wrong, basics are the same. Just most people actually don’t follow them well enough and don’t try to learn to be better. Everyone can cook or kick a ball. But not everyone will be chef or football player. In theory everyone follow the same steps, but those subtle diffrences, experience and improvement make enormous quality differences. This rule apply to crypto too. All of us are crypto investors, but most never will be successful enough to impress anyone, even themselves.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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